Kersten College Code of Conduct
Undesirable Conduct
1. `Disrespectful’ conduct. Respect and politeness are expected at all times
2. Any practice that may influence other learners detrimentally or harm the school in any way, will not be tolerated
3. Stealing is regarded as a serious offence
4. Verbal or physical abuse. We all need to teach our children to rather debate an issue
5. Vandalism and graffiti. Please note our furniture and premises is precious to all of us, and portrays a positive image.
6. Foul language. We, as parents need to set an example and refrain from using foul language ourselves
7. Learners are expected to keep the school grounds and classrooms free of litter
8. Learners are expected to be punctual as late coming to school may affect the other learners negatively
9. Learners may not tamper with other learners’ school bags
10. Learners may not bully each other
Undesirable conduct will have consequences. Should it be shown beyond reasonable doubt, a child has vandalised school property, parents will be accountable for the cost of replacement thereof. School staff will endeavour to teach children right from wrong, in terms of behaviour/language, and slight deviations from the code of conduct will be managed by the school and parents will only be involved, should undesirable behaviour continue thereafter.